
Biden-Linked Chinese Tycoon Fills Dem Candidate’s Coffers!

Brandon Presley, a Democrat running for the governorship of Mississippi, has found himself in hot water after accepting donations from questionable sources. According to Fox News, one of his donors is a Chinese national with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and even to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. This revelation sheds light on Presley’s true colors and raises concerns about his ability to represent the values of the people of Mississippi.

The donation in question is a hefty $10,000 contribution from Pin Ni, the president of Wanxiang America. It is worth noting that Ni and Youhong Han, the president of Wanxiang Resources Co., visited the Obama White House in 2014, at the invitation of then-Vice President Joe Biden. Fox News highlights that the parent company, Wanxiang Group, has lauded its founder as a “National Outstanding Communist Party Member,” emphasizing the company’s close ties to the CCP. Presley’s acceptance of this donation raises serious questions about his judgment and the values he aligns himself with.

Further adding to this tangled web of connections is the link between Ni and Hunter Biden. Just days after Ni met with Hunter’s father at the White House, he sent him an email regarding a Fisker car. Hunter later shared with Ni that he had sold the car at a loss, to which Ni responded promising to ensure that Hunter’s next Fisker would be exceptional. This exchange highlights the close relationship between the Bidens and individuals with ties to the CCP and raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

The fact that Presley, a self-proclaimed moderate Democrat, has accepted donations from controversial figures such as Stacey Abrams and Democrat mega-donor Philip Munger only adds to the skepticism surrounding his supposed political stance. It is clear that Presley’s claim of moderation is nothing more than a façade, as his actions and associations paint a different picture.

Mississippi deserves a leader who prioritizes the interests and values of its people, rather than cozying up to individuals and organizations with questionable ties. Presley’s acceptance of donations from those with connections to the CCP and the Bidens is both worrying and indicative of a much larger issue. Mississippians should carefully consider who they want as their governor and whether Presley’s questionable associations align with their conservative values.

Written by Staff Reports

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