
Biden Math Blunder Exposed Crime Up Jobs Down Critics Slam Statistics

The Biden-Harris administration appears to have more than a few mathematical hiccups, and unfortunately, the American public is stuck picking up the tab for the administration’s miscalculations. As many conservatives have pointed out, when it comes to assessing the performance of the current administration, the multiplication just doesn’t add up. From the crime rate to jobs reports, their statistical gymnastics are starting to draw scrutiny.

The latest revelation came straight from the FBI, which quietly revised the violent crime statistics from 2022—surprise, surprise, it turns out that crime actually increased, countering the claims made by the administration about a supposed decrease. The White House celebrated a fictional narrative conveniently crafted by misreporting, leading the media to bless us with headlines that hailed the end of crime as we know it. Meanwhile, a careful examination of the newly revised data gave us a much different picture, showing a 4.5% increase in violent crime instead of the touted decrease. This has made even the most optimistic headlines go bust and has left many wondering whether anyone in the White House knows what basic math entails.

This isn’t a one-off incident either. Critics have noted that the administration has a knack for adjusting job numbers post-release, often downplaying job growth once the news cycle has moved on. In a pre-election classic, the Bureau of Labor Statistics managed to prune a staggering 818,000 jobs off the initial report that lauded strong job creation in the economy just before Vice President Harris was due to shine in the spotlight. It’s almost as if there should be a warning label: “Results may vary depending on political needs.”

Even in the realm of immigration, the math has eyebrows raising. The Biden administration has been accused of using a processing app, known as “CBP One,” to game the system and mask the true numbers of inadmissible aliens hitting the borders. With over 278,000 individuals admitted through this app, critics argue that the numbers of inadmissible migrants entering the United States, many of whom could potentially be deported, are obscured. According to some lawmakers, the secretary of Homeland Security is playing a fast and loose game when it comes to what the average American thinks about illegal immigration, creating what looks like close to an admission line for people who don’t even have a legitimate claim to enter the country.

This pattern of distortion hasn’t escaped notice. The employment and crime statistics may be the most glaring examples of a math problem in a Biden-Harris administration that appears to prioritize optics over accuracy. Instead of transparency, the administration seems intent on puffing up its achievements, potentially infuriating the very people whose trust they need to retain. Anyone still questioning why trust in government continues its slow, steady decline might just need to take a long hard look at these figures—or lack thereof.

In the end, numbers don’t lie, but the way they are presented can certainly lead to a world of confusion. With each revision downward on job growth and upward on crime rates, the Biden-Harris administration is turning what should have been clear-cut data into a murky mess. No amount of rounding up—or down—can cover up an alarming trend: more and more Americans are waking up to the realization that the math they were given doesn’t add up.

Written by Staff Reports

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