
Biden Misstates Timing of Bridge Visit, Exaggerates Repair Costs

President Biden made inaccurate statements about his visit to the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, which collapsed due to a cargo ship incident. He claimed to have visited the site the day after the collapse, but in reality, he didn’t go until more than a week later. The White House said that Mr. Biden had to wait until it was safe and wouldn’t disrupt recovery efforts.

Additionally, the President exaggerated the cost to rebuild the bridge, stating it would require “$60 zillion”, which is not a real number. The actual amount needed for repairs is still uncertain, though the Federal Highway Administration has provided $60 million in emergency funds. Some estimates suggest the cost could be at least $400 million.

This isn’t the first time Mr. Biden has made misleading claims about visiting disaster sites. On the anniversary of 9/11, he vividly described being at Ground Zero the day after the attacks, but it was actually nine days later as part of a senator delegation. In another instance, he claimed to have witnessed the collapse of a Pittsburgh bridge, even though it fell hours before his visit.

These incidents raise concerns about the accuracy of President Biden’s statements, particularly when it comes to his immediate presence at disaster sites. It’s important for our leaders to provide accurate information to the public and be transparent about their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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