
Biden Moves Goalposts Again on Stepping Down Citing Health While Questions Persist

Ah, Biden is at it again, moving the goalposts and leaving everyone wondering when, or if, he plans to step down. On Wednesday, good ole Joe announced he’d consider exiting the race for the White House if a doctor told him he had a medical condition that required it. Of course, none of his physicians have stepped up to the plate. White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor claims Joe is a “healthy, active, robust, 81-year-old” fit for duty. But let’s be real, who is buying that?

Anyone who caught Biden’s latest debate performance probably had to double-check they weren’t watching a blooper reel. It’s clear this country isn’t exactly brimming with confidence in the President’s mental fitness. Yet Biden keeps dangling that exit carrot. Just last week, he told a reporter he would bow out if the “Lord almighty” told him to. Later, he mentioned he’d reconsider if aides brought in some irrefutable evidence that victory was impossible. Spoiler alert: that evidence is pretty much standing on every street corner with a megaphone.

In the latest twist, Biden admitted during a BET interview that he “made a serious mistake in the whole debate,” but would only re-evaluate his campaign if one of his doctors changed their mind. This from a man who struggles to string together a coherent sentence without stumbling over his own words. It’s almost impressive how deftly he moves those goalposts while barely moving at all. 


And let’s not forget his grand revelation that he intended to be a “transitional candidate” passing the torch to someone else. But alas, the state of the union is just too darn divided for him to step down. How convenient. He says wisdom comes with age. Well, America could sure use a little less ‘wisdom’ and a lot more common sense right about now.

Meanwhile, Biden insists that there’s still more work to be done. Work, indeed. One wonders if that work includes parking in handicap spots and feeding pigeons on park benches. Buckle up, America, because if Biden gets his way, we might be in for another four years of stumbling and bumbling with no end in sight.

Written by Staff Reports

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