
Biden Panders to Far-Left, Risks Security for Votes

In a stunning display of virtue signaling, President Joe Biden has decided to defer the deportation of certain Palestinians for a whopping 18 months. Yes, you heard that right – 18 whole months! The humanitarian grounds cited for this mind-boggling decision? Well, according to a White House statement, it’s because the “humanitarian conditions in the Palestinian territories, and primarily Gaza, have significantly deteriorated.”

Really, Mr. President? Are you sure it’s not because you’re just looking for another opportunity to pander to the far-left and gain some political points? It’s truly astonishing how quickly Biden is willing to throw our national security concerns out the window to appease his progressive base.

But let’s break down the specifics of this debacle. The deferral only applies to Palestinians who were already in the U.S. as of Wednesday. So, if you’re a Palestinian who decides to voluntarily travel back to the Palestinian territories after Wednesday, tough luck! Your special treatment is coming to an end. Oh, and don’t even think about committing any crimes while you’re here. If you’ve been convicted of a felony or two misdemeanors, consider yourself deportable. Guess law and order don’t matter when it comes to political convenience.

To add insult to injury, Biden has also directed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to grant employment authorization to these deferred individuals for the duration of the 18 months. Because who needs to prioritize American jobs and workers when you can give special treatment to foreign nationals, right? It’s almost as if Biden is actively encouraging more illegal immigration and undermining our economy.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party-controlled House of Representatives impeached Mayorkas on Tuesday for his disastrous handling of our immigration system. And let me tell you, they had every right to do so. Mayorkas has been playing fast and loose with our national security, as evidenced by his release of millions of inadmissible aliens into our country. It’s clear that he is more interested in pandering to the open borders crowd than protecting American citizens.

It’s just another day in the Biden administration, where the far-left agenda and political expediency take precedence over the well-being of the American people. Let’s hope Republicans can continue to hold the line and fight against these reckless policies that threaten our nation’s security and economic prosperity.

Written by Staff Reports

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