
Biden Plans Cozy Academic Future Away from White House Turmoil

Biden is officially mapping out his post-presidency life, and it sounds eerily like a graduation speech from a college that nobody particularly asked him to attend. The plan is to focus on foreign policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, while domestic policy will be tackled at his alma mater, the University of Delaware. And since when did former leaders think they needed a comfy campus to share their wisdom? The last time a president needed a campus was probably when they were sending out their kids to college on a nice scholarship.

These announcements mark the first signs of Biden’s post-presidential trajectory as he rides off into the sunset as a one-term commander-in-chief. He threw in the towel on his reelection bid this past July, after age-related concerns practically shouted in his ear, led by anxious Democrats who were losing sleep over his capabilities and increasing polling numbers for Donald Trump. It’s almost poetic: a former vice president desperately clinging to the hope of reclaiming his dynamics only to trip over the reality of his age.

As if that wasn’t enough, Biden passed the baton to Vice President Kamala Harris, who has since transformed into the Democratic Party’s shining beacon of hope—or whatever they’re calling her these days. Her abrupt elevation to the Democratic nomination post-Biden’s departure has sparked grand claims about her revitalizing the party and keeping things neck-and-neck with Trump. The only question is whether her energy is enough to drown out the whispers of concern that linger in the party.

Biden’s claims about Harris are something out of a cheesy motivational poster. He touts her energy, intelligence, grit, stamina, and guts. If only those qualities were enough to quell the discontent among voters wondering how a party could rally around its vice president facing the former leader of the free world. Biden even tossed in a nugget suggesting she needs to “be herself” to take on Trump, as if her identity is the secret weapon the Democrats have been searching for all along.

As January 2025 approaches, Biden will not only mark his tenure as the oldest president in history but will also hand over the title to Trump if the former president manages to reclaim his throne. It’s a real-life game of “whose turn is it?” and the players keep getting older. Maybe Biden should’ve just opted for retirement on a beach instead of politicking in a classroom. After all, who needs a lecture on diplomacy when there’s a whole world out there with actual pressing issues—like how to keep one’s party afloat without crashing on the rocks of political ambition.

Written by Staff Reports

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