
Biden Proposes Outrageous Ceasefire Plan Israel Forcefully Rejects

In recent news, Joe Biden announced a ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas. However, the details were so outrageous that Israel had to publicly reject the description provided by the president. It’s no surprise considering Biden’s track record of disastrous foreign policy decisions.

Let’s break it down. Israel has made significant progress in reclaiming territories and weakening Hamas. Yet, Biden is pushing for a “complete ceasefire” and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. This would only give Hamas the opportunity to regroup and prepare for future attacks. In return, Israel would receive the release of only “some hostages” and the remains of those killed by terrorists. 


The second phase of Biden’s plan calls for a “permanent ceasefire” and an exchange for the remaining living hostages. It conveniently ignores the fact that Hamas has executed hostages and expects Israel to release terrorists responsible for targeting innocent Israelis. Moreover, the proposal includes using taxpayer money to rebuild schools that propagate anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence against Jews.

It’s evident that Biden’s proposal lacks substance and favors appeasing radical elements. By releasing the details right before Shabbat, he tried to manipulate the situation and pressure Israel into accepting unfavorable terms. Fortunately, Israel saw through the charade and promptly rejected the flawed proposal.

This plan is reminiscent of a child’s naive ideas and would only perpetuate the conflict in Gaza. It’s essential to acknowledge the progress made by Israel in combating Hamas and not undermine these efforts with unrealistic demands. Biden’s approach only serves to embolden terrorists and jeopardize regional stability. It’s time to support Israel’s security and condemn terrorism, not enable it.

Written by Staff Reports

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