
Biden Rebels Against Own Party with Rogue Israel Arms Deals!

President Joe Biden was recently questioned by members of his party for choosing to sidestep Congress and greenlight the emergency sale of weapons to Israel in its fight against Hamas. This marked the second time in just a month that the Biden administration bypassed Congress to authorize the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons to Israel, sparking strong disapproval from several Democrats. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), a part of the progressive “Squad” in the House of Representatives, went as far as labeling the decision “morally indefensible.”

“Why are we supplying the weapons used to carry out the mass killing of civilians and calls for ethnic cleansing? It’s morally indefensible,” Omar shared bluntly on social media.

In addition, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) echoed this sentiment, criticizing the Biden administration’s contradictory actions and questioning the lack of demand for a ceasefire in the midst of innocent casualties.

“The White House cannot have it both ways: calling for international law compliance while sending weapons that lead to violations of international law. How many innocent people must die before [President Biden] will demand a ceasefire?” Bush emphasized.

Furthermore, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) expressed unease over the absence of congressional oversight and urged for a “public explanation” for the White House’s decision, asserting that Congress should have full transparency in the transfer of weapons to any other nation.

The Biden administration’s move has clearly sparked significant internal opposition within the Democratic ranks, with the decision to bypass Congress raising concerns not just about the specific sale of weapons to Israel, but also about the broader issue of congressional oversight and transparency in matters of international weapons transfer. This instance has further exposed the deep divide within the party on matters of foreign policy and aid.

Written by Staff Reports

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