
Biden Releases More Oil Amid Economy Worries as Inflation Continues to Hit Americans Hard

President Biden recently made a big statement by releasing more oil into the country. This move shows that the White House is getting worried that people don’t trust Biden’s plans for the economy. The government wants folks to think that “Bidenomics” is good news, but most Americans believe we’re in a recession, even though official records say we’re not.

Many people blame the rising prices for things on inflation. The cost of living is going up, and it’s hurting everyone’s wallets. Some news sources are trying to say inflation is not a big deal, but most Americans know better. They can see that prices are still going higher, even if not as fast as before. People want prices to go down, not just rise more slowly.

Before Biden took charge, things were better when it came to prices. Now, with gas prices going up, he’s trying to make a change to look better to voters. He hopes that by bringing gas prices down, folks will see him in a better light. However, the economy isn’t doing great for everyday people. Jobs might be out there, but the money folks have isn’t going as far as it used to.

One famous restaurant, Red Lobster, even had to file for bankruptcy because their costs went up so much and they couldn’t make enough money. This is just one example of how hard it is for Americans to afford things now. People are feeling the pinch when they pay for gas or food, and it’s making them question Biden’s plans for the country.

While fancy economic reports might show good numbers, regular folks aren’t feeling the same way. They care more about how much they pay at the store or out to eat. Since Biden came into office, life has become tougher for many Americans, and that’s a real problem, even if it’s not a full-blown recession.

Written by Staff Reports

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