
Biden Rubs Elbows with Epstein-linked Fundraiser – Can His Credibility Survive?

Joe Biden’s terrible public speaking skills were not the only thing that raised eyebrows during his recent visit to California. The current President also attended a campaign fundraiser co-hosted by the notorious Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn co-founder, and Kevin Scott, the chief technology officer at Microsoft. Many people are troubled by the close association between Biden and Hoffman, particularly given the co-host’s connection with the late Jeffrey Epstein. RedState reports that Hoffman admitted to visiting Epstein’s island in 2014, which raises questions about his close relationship with President Biden. Moreover, Hoffman is the individual who funded the lawsuit of E. Jean Carroll against former President Donald Trump through a non-profit he funds.

The White House has so far failed to respond to questions regarding the fundraiser. It is unsurprising, given Biden’s track record of inappropriate touching and fondling, as well as his tendency to sniff women and girls. With everything that has raised questions, it is unlikely that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will make any substantive comment on the topic. Indeed, if anyone from the media tries to ask about it, they will probably be met with a ten-foot pole.

There is an inherent danger to the close association between people like Reid Hoffman to the President. It is clear through this fundraiser that President Biden depends on connections with the wealthy and the elite to keep his campaign afloat. The fundraiser co-hosted by Hoffman and Scott speaks to the inherent hypocrisy of the Democratic Party; they claim to stand for human rights, but they derive their significant financial and political clout from the very same people who perpetrate some of the most despicable crimes against humanity. If Biden wants to be taken seriously as a leader, he needs to think twice about the company he keeps.

Written by Staff Reports

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