
Biden Saved from FBI Raid by Democrat Ally? Bribery Cover Up Suspected!

In a scathing letter to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, Senate Republicans are demanding answers about the Joe and Hunter Biden probe. The letter, penned by Senator Charles Grassley, raises serious concerns about the alleged obstruction of justice by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf and the failure of the Justice Department and FBI to investigate the allegations against the Bidens. It seems like there might be some shady business going on here, folks!

According to the letter, a meeting took place on October 23, 2020, between Justice Department and FBI officials, AUSA Wolf, and FBI Special Agents. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden. But here’s the kicker: the meeting did not include any IRS agents. Why on earth would they leave out the IRS agents? This just doesn’t pass the smell test, folks!

To make matters worse, the letter alleges that AUSA Wolf prevented investigators from seeking information about Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s criminal business arrangements. She also reportedly prevented a physical search warrant at Joe Biden’s guest house, even though there was enough probable cause. But why, you ask? It’s all about the “optics.” According to the letter, AUSA Wolf was worried about how it would look if they went ahead with the search. Well, isn’t that just convenient?

The letter also questions whether AUSA Wolf took similar measures to obstruct the investigation into the FD-1023. It seems like she has a history of frustrating investigative efforts. And let’s not forget about the alleged audio recording and related evidence mentioned in the FD-1023. Has anything been done to recover it? It’s shocking that there hasn’t been any progress on this front. It’s almost as if there’s a deliberate attempt to sweep it under the rug.

But it doesn’t end there, folks. The letter also sheds light on AUSA Wolf’s political leanings. It turns out her husband has made multiple donations to Democratic campaigns, including 14 to Barack Obama’s campaign. And guess what? Lesley Wolf herself contributed to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising organization. This raises serious questions about her impartiality and whether she has any biases that could be influencing the investigation. It’s clear that there may be a political agenda at play here.

In addition to the concerns raised about AUSA Wolf, Senate Republicans have also sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding Hunter Biden’s reported involvement with escorts linked to human trafficking rings and his close financial associations with individuals linked to the communist Chinese government. It’s time to get to the bottom of these allegations, folks. We need answers!

These latest developments have only fueled Republican lawmakers’ determination to uncover the truth. It’s clear that there’s more to the Biden probe than meets the eye, and it’s about time someone started asking the tough questions. The American people deserve to know the truth, and it’s up to our elected officials to get to the bottom of it. Let’s hope they don’t back down and continue to fight for transparency and justice. Stay tuned, folks, because this story is far from over!

Written by Staff Reports

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