
Biden Scrambles as Trump Gains Unprecedented Support Among Black Voters

CNN’s Harry Enten decided to dive deep into the numbers, and boy, has it sent the liberal media into a tailspin. For years, Democrats have been resting on the assumption that black voters, particularly those under 50, would forever be their steadfast supporters. Well, Joe Biden is learning the hard way that nothing is guaranteed. Back in 2020, Biden was ahead with this voter bloc by an astounding 80 points, but now, he’s down to 37 points. While still an advantage, that’s a jaw-dropping drop in just four years. And while no one expects Trump to sweep black voters completely, hitting around 20 percent is practically revolutionary.

It’s only getting worse for Biden with no signs of this trend reversing anytime soon. Biden neither has the political acumen nor the cognitive clarity to launch the kind of aggressive campaign needed to turn this ship around. His presidency is increasingly seen as a circus act—big on theatrics, short on substance. The frequent moments where Biden seems to short-circuit are not helping his case. Eighty-six percent of voters think he’s too old to run again. That’s a statistic that’s hard to massage into something favorable, especially with time not on the Democrats’ side.

MSNBC’s reaction to Trump’s unprecedented support amongst black voters? Predictably, they suggested that black voters are being misled by disinformation. It’s the same tired narrative trotted out whenever liberal elites can’t digest data that shatters their neatly crafted storylines. Watching liberal reporters scramble to understand Trump’s appeal is truly a comedy show. They’ve been at it for years and still haven’t cracked the code. Why? Because the standard liberal mindset is too arrogant, smug, and dense to comprehend why people are drawn to Trump while despising them.

MSNBC, true to form, had one of their analysts assert that black voters shifting towards Trump must be due to disinformation. This is classic liberal coping. When data defies their expectations, they trot out the bogeyman of disinformation or foreign interference. Joy Reid sang a similar tune, as expected. According to their playbook, anything that portrays Democrats in a bad light is either disinformation or, wait for it, Russian propaganda. And if that doesn’t stick, they quickly pivot to calling it a “danger to democracy.” It’s the rhetorical equivalent of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.

For Biden, the desperation is evident in the narrative adjustments they’re testing out. Deepfake and cheap fake accusations are being floated to explain his frequent mental lapses. It’s an act of sheer desperation because even foreign press at the G7 Summit could see Biden’s detachment. When you have no real accomplishments to showcase, no policies that resonate, and zero substantial talking points, you resort to scaremongering about Trump, waxing poetic about abortion rights, and harping on taxing the rich—all topics that aren’t exactly at the forefront of average Americans’ concerns.

Written by Staff Reports

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