
Biden Shatters Records, Doubles Embassy Evacuations vs. Obama Era

The United States has announced that it is evacuating non-emergency personnel from its embassy in Niger, adding to the growing list of embassy evacuations under the Biden administration. This marks the third embassy evacuation in the past four months and the sixth since President Biden took office. It seems like the Biden administration can’t catch a break when it comes to keeping our embassies safe.

In fact, the Biden administration is evacuating embassies at a rate that is more than double that of the Obama administration. Remember when conservatives were criticizing Obama’s handling of embassy evacuations? Well, it looks like Biden has surpassed him in that regard. This just goes to show the weak leadership and lack of preparedness that we have seen from this administration.

And where is President Biden while all of this is happening? He’s on vacation in Delaware. It’s almost comical how detached he seems from the crises happening around the world. Maybe it’s time to start questioning if an 80-year-old president is fit to handle the responsibilities of the office.

This evacuation in Niger is just another instance of the Biden administration’s failure to prioritize the safety and security of American personnel abroad. From Afghanistan to Haiti to Sudan, the Biden administration has consistently shown a lack of leadership and a lack of understanding when it comes to foreign policy. It’s time for them to step up and take responsibility for their actions.

In the meantime, let’s hope that the remaining American personnel in Niger stay safe and that the Biden administration learns from their mistakes moving forward. Our embassies and the brave men and women who serve in them deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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