
Biden Shields Prince Harry’s Visa Secrets: Elitist Double Standards Exposed!

Newsflash: Hollywood elites continue to receive special treatment from the Biden administration. The latest example? Prince Harry, who is now residing in California with his wife, Meghan Markle. Despite raking in millions of dollars from American deals and businesses, it seems like Prince Harry may have lied on his visa application to gain entry into the United States.

The Heritage Foundation has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Homeland Security requesting clarification on whether Prince Harry was granted a waiver despite his alleged drug use. Shockingly, the Biden administration has refused to comply with the request citing privacy concerns for the former royal.

But let’s get real, the American people deserve to know whether or not Prince Harry was given special treatment by the Biden administration. Did he receive a waiver that complies with the law, or was the Biden administration too busy kissing up to another elitist? The fact that the Biden administration is refusing to provide information about Harry’s visa application raises serious concerns about the enforcement of our immigration laws.

The Heritage Foundation is determined to get to the bottom of this. They argue that there are only three possible ways in which Prince Harry could have entered the U.S. on a visa: (1) he disclosed the full extent of his drug use and received a waiver, (2) the DHS blatantly ignored the law, or (3) Prince Harry lied under oath. None of these options bode well for the Biden administration and further demonstrate the elites are still receiving special treatment.

It’s time for the Biden administration to stop giving special treatment to their friends in Hollywood and start enforcing our immigration laws without fear or favor. The Heritage Foundation will continue to fight for transparency and accountability so that the American people can finally get the answers they deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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