
Biden Shockingly Supports Protecting Hamas HQ Disguised as Gaza Hospital!

In a stunning display of cognitive dissonance, President Joe Biden declared that the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, where Hamas terrorists are operating a command and control facility according to U.S. officials, “must be protected.” Seriously, Joe? It’s bad enough that Hamas is using hospitals as cover for their terrorist activities, but now we have the President of the United States advocating for their protection? This is madness.

It’s not like this is some secret strategy that Hamas came up with on their own. It’s a well-known tactic for them to hide their military infrastructure in hospitals and schools, even using them as launch sites for rockets. So when Israeli Defense Forces posted a video of Hamas terrorists carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher into the Quds hospital, it’s not exactly a surprise. The real question is, what is Biden thinking?

It’s not just conservative media outlets raising concerns about Biden’s mental fitness to hold the presidency. Even CNN, of all places, reported on the criticism and concern surrounding his statement. But instead of addressing these concerns, Biden’s response is to double down on his support for the protection of the very hospitals that Hamas is using as a shield. It’s truly mind-boggling.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summed it up perfectly when he said, “Imagine what would happen if the United States were attacked viciously by 20 9/11s… What would America do? It would take all its force and go after these killers.” That’s exactly what Israel is doing, and they have every right to defend themselves. But instead of standing with our ally, Biden is standing with terrorists.

It’s clear that Biden’s priorities are completely out of whack. Instead of focusing on the safety and security of American citizens and our allies, he is more concerned with protecting hospitals that are being used as command centers for terrorism. This is not the leadership we need in this critical time. It’s time for Biden to wake up and put America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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