
Biden Slammed: CNN Guest Calls Out ‘Old Man’ Over ‘Ghost Stories’

President Joe Biden and his team are struggling to find effective strategies to address the challenges facing the country. Despite touting impressive job numbers, Americans aren’t buying into the idea that the economy has fully recovered from the pandemic. The “Bidenomics” approach, which promised a return to normalcy, hasn’t lived up to expectations. It seems that Biden’s team has had to remind him repeatedly that his catchy catchphrase from two administrations ago isn’t resonating with the current situation.

In a desperate move, Biden and his advisors have resorted to using the January 6th Capitol incursion as a political tool. Last week, Biden gave a speech in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where he attempted to link former President Trump to the violent mob that stormed the Capitol. He accused Trump of rewriting the facts and stealing history. While Trump has not been charged with insurrection, Biden continues to peddle this narrative to demonize his predecessor.

Biden later took to social media to post a cryptic message, stating, “You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-America.” It’s clear that he is using fear tactics and attempting to divide Americans by associating Trump supporters with insurrectionists.

Republican strategist Brad Todd dismissed Biden’s fear-mongering as “ghost stories,” highlighting the lack of substance in Biden’s speeches. Todd observed that Biden is solely focused on relitigating the past and avoiding discussing his vision and policy differences from Trump. It’s no surprise that Biden’s repetitive falsehoods aren’t resonating with the American people.

The midterms in 2022 saw Democrats retain control, but only by a slim margin. Democrats can’t keep using scare tactics to convince voters that democracy is under threat when it clearly isn’t. As Biden’s chances for re-election diminish, continuing to repeat these falsehoods won’t help his cause. The American people are looking for real solutions, not recycled ghost stories.

Written by Staff Reports

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