
Biden Snubs East Palestine, Hasn’t ‘Had the Occasion’ to Visit Yet

President Joe Biden is once again making empty promises, this time to the people of East Palestine, Ohio. Despite pledging to visit the village after it was hit with air and water contamination from a chemical spill, Biden claimed he hasn’t “had the occasion” to go there. Seriously, Joe? You’ve had plenty of time to go on luxurious vacations and play golf, but you can’t find a moment to support a community in need?

In classic Biden fashion, he gave a rambling and incoherent answer when asked about his failure to visit East Palestine. He tried to deflect from his lack of action by mentioning other things on his busy schedule, like traveling around the world. But let’s be honest, Joe, your world tour can wait. The people of East Palestine have been suffering and need their President to show up and address their concerns.

It’s also worth noting that Biden managed to find time to visit Florida to survey hurricane damage and even went to Maui to check out the fire aftermath. So, why hasn’t he made the effort to visit a community still recovering from a chemical spill? Is it because Ohio isn’t a swing state anymore and he’s more focused on pandering to other regions?

The cost to clean up East Palestine is estimated to be at least $803 million, not to mention the other expenses associated with the contamination. The people of this village deserve a President who will prioritize their well-being and take action. But unfortunately, it seems like Biden is too busy globetrotting and promoting his flawed economic agenda to give them the attention they deserve.

Thankfully, there are politicians like Senator J.D. Vance who are holding Biden accountable for his empty promises. Vance rightly pointed out that Biden flew directly over East Palestine on his way to an event in Milwaukee. It’s a clear indication that Biden doesn’t care about the struggles and needs of everyday Americans.

It’s time for President Biden to step up and fulfill his promises. The people of East Palestine deserve better, and they deserve a leader who will prioritize their needs over his own personal agenda. It’s time for action, not empty words.

Written by Staff Reports

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