
Biden Snubs Millions of Commie Victims for T-Day Remembrance!

November 7th, a day to remember victims of communism, came and went without much notice from the White House. While President Joe Biden was busy acknowledging the “Transgender Day of Remembrance,” he seemed to have forgotten about the millions of lives lost to the brutal regimes of Soviet and Chinese communism in the 20th century.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation estimated that nearly 150 million people were killed by political violence and state-induced famine under the communist rule. Yet, the President was more focused on the 33 transgender individuals who lost their lives in the U.S. due to violence, as reported by the Human Rights Campaign.

Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, went as far as to call violence against transgender individuals a “national embarrassment.” President Biden echoed this sentiment, stating, “We must never be silent in the face of hate.” However, conservative author Chad Felix Greene pointed out that the statistics of transgender violence may have been blown out of proportion, citing the relatively small percentage of transgender individuals who were victims of violent crime.

Greene also highlighted that the majority of deaths among transgender individuals were not due to targeted hate crimes but were the result of non-bias incidents such as domestic violence, drug-related incidents, or sex work. In fact, Greene pointed out that the average number of transgender individuals killed in acts of targeted violence in the U.S. over the last 10 years was less than one per year.

Furthermore, Greene expressed skepticism about the so-called “epidemic of violence” narrative, dismissing reports that were based on self-reported surveys and perceptions rather than actual crime reports. He also questioned if there was an equal emphasis on the number of transgender individuals who have committed acts of violence, citing cases of mass shootings and violent mobs led by transgender activists as examples.

Overall, it seems that there’s a discrepancy between the emphasis placed on transgender violence and the acknowledgment of the victims of communism. Perhaps the President and his allies are determined to inflate statistics to fit their narrative. And as for President Biden, it’s no surprise that he overlooked the Victims of Communism Memorial Day, given his administration’s track record of downplaying the atrocities committed under communist regimes.

Written by Staff Reports

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