
Biden Snubs US Border Security, Favors Foreign Aid: Crisis Surges!

President Joe Biden has once again shown his true colors as he rejects Republican offers to fund Ukraine’s defense, Israel’s fight against terrorism, and U.S. border security. Instead, Biden is stubbornly demanding that only foreign aid be funded, while completely ignoring the crisis at our southern border. This comes on the heels of a staggering 12,000 illegal immigrants crossing the border in a single day, setting a new record. It’s clear that Biden’s priorities lie with helping other countries rather than protecting our own.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has articulated the Republican position perfectly. We have been calling for transformative changes to our border security laws in exchange for any additional funding for Ukraine. After all, what good is it to help Ukraine if we can’t even secure our own borders? The House of Representatives has already taken steps to address this crisis by passing the Secure Border Act more than six months ago, but Senate Democrats have refused to act on it. It’s time for the Biden administration to stop playing politics and start prioritizing the safety and security of the American people.

It is absolutely unconscionable and unsustainable to have an open border. The dangers posed by illegal immigration are real and should not be ignored. We have a moral responsibility to put an end to this madness immediately. Yet, instead of working with Congressional Republicans to address these issues, the Biden administration has chosen to bury its head in the sand and engage in political posturing. It is time for them to face reality and start engaging with us in a meaningful way.

We need a robust border security package that truly protects the interests of the American people. This should be the administration’s top priority. It is clear that the current approach of ignoring the crisis and focusing on foreign aid is not working. It’s time for Biden to put America first and start taking the necessary steps to secure our borders. The American people deserve nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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