
Biden Stalls Huge LNG Project: Energy Security at Risk?

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! They’re putting the brakes on the Calcasieu Pass liquefied natural gas export terminal in Louisiana, the biggest LNG export hub in the nation. They’re delaying the approval because, get this, some environmental groups and Democrats are all up in arms about it. They’re raising a fuss about the impact on climate change and the economy. Can you believe it?

The White House is telling the Department of Energy to think about more than just the economy and national security when deciding about this LNG facility. They want them to take a long hard look at the effects on climate change too. Come on, Joe, we all know the economy and national security are important, but do we really need to put a hold on things just to please some environmentalists and Democrats?

And get this, the Biden administration is caving to pressure from those liberal Democrats in Congress. They’re all whining and complaining about the way LNG export terminals get approved, saying it doesn’t consider the impact on climate and the economy. But the Energy Department has never turned down an LNG export application because of climate concerns. These Democrats just want to throw a wrench in the works and make life harder for our energy producers.

Now, U.S. LNG exports have been booming, especially with all the demand from Europe trying to wean itself off Russia’s gas after the Ukraine invasion. But instead of celebrating this success and helping our allies, the Biden administration is dragging its feet on approving new LNG facilities. They’re even delaying the biggest one, the Calcasieu Pass 2, which could export 20 million tons of natural gas per year. Come on, Joe, don’t you want to support American workers and give our allies some relief?

Meanwhile, our Senate Minority Leader McConnell is calling out the administration for this delay. He’s saying it’s basically a ban on new LNG permits in the U.S. and that it’s all part of Biden’s war on affordable energy. And he’s right! This is just another example of the Biden administration putting people out of work and driving up energy prices for hardworking Americans.

It’s outrageous, folks. But don’t worry, the fight isn’t over yet. Republicans and industry groups are standing strong, pushing for the growth of LNG exports to protect our energy security and help out our allies. So, let’s keep an eye on this one, because the Biden administration’s shenanigans aren’t going unnoticed.

Written by Staff Reports

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