
Biden Stumbles Through Late-Night News Conference in Bid to Prove Fitness

Joe Biden has apparently decided that the best way to convince America he’s fit for another term is by hosting a “big boy” news conference after his usual bedtime. Yes, the man who struggles to keep his eyes open past 7 p.m. gave a late-night performance this Thursday, hoping to douse the flames of doubt about his competency and electability.

This “big boy” moniker, coined by his own White House staff, telegraphed the desperation behind this event. In a rare display of coherence, Biden managed to string together more than a few sentences, though the content was as scattered as a toddler’s toy room. Supposedly focused on NATO discussions, Biden’s remarks veered wildly into campaign territory, touching on inflation, tariffs, and border security—issues as relevant to NATO as a vegan menu at a Texas BBQ.

And here came the pièce de résistance: Biden fielding questions from a pre-approved list of reporters, a strategy ensuring no one “too probing” would be allowed to ask real questions. Reuters’ Jeff Mason was first up to the plate, and the curveball thrown at Biden had him swinging wildly. As if on cue, Biden’s response — referring to his sworn political adversary Donald Trump as “Vice President” — set the stage for a comedy of errors.

Unexpectedly, Biden’s gaffe wasn’t a one-off. This display of confusion set the tone for a night filled with cringe-worthy missteps and bumbles. His excuse for needing to “pace himself” harkened back to his embarrassing post-debate justification of jet lag from a trip taken weeks prior. As if the leader of the free world can’t handle his schedule better than a hungover college student during finals week. 


Democrats were likely hoping this performance would quell the growing dissent within their ranks and reassure them that Biden could stave off a Republican sweep in 2024. But alas, it resembled more of a flailing effort to keep afloat in the turbulent political waters. If Biden’s aim was to reassure, he missed the mark spectacularly, ensuring that murmurs about a replacement candidate will persist, if not grow louder.

The takeaway from this weary performance is both straightforward and bleak. Biden remains a candidate and president in limbo, not delivering the meltdown the GOP would have hoped for, but far from the sparkling reassurer his party desperately needs. The Democrats may want to consider that while their aging leader fails to energize, the conservative base is rallying behind a clear vision and, unlike Biden, are more than wide awake.

Written by Staff Reports

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