
Biden Sweeps SC Primary – Is His Base Crumbling?

The road to 2024 just got a little bumpier for the Democrats as South Carolina laid out the welcome mat for their presidential primary. While it may seem like a snooze fest for the right, the showdown in the Southern state has the potential to shake up the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) best-laid plans.

The DNC, in all its infinite wisdom, has decided to punish those pesky states like New Hampshire for the crime of not being “diverse” enough. But lucky for us, South Carolina made the cut because, boy, do they know how to put on a show. They’ve got President Joe Biden, U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), and author Marianne Williamson all vying for 55 delegates to score a ticket to the big dance in Chicago this summer.

With more than 1,900 delegates up for grabs, it’s going to be a wild ride to secure the Dem nomination, especially with Super Tuesday on the horizon. And let’s face it, folks, who doesn’t love a good Super Tuesday? It’s like the political version of the Super Bowl, but with fewer nachos and more delegates.

Now, listen closely, because this is where things get spicy. Biden, our dear old friend, is looking to lock it down in South Carolina, riding high on the endorsement wave from U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn. Last time around, ol’ Joe snagged 39 delegates and over 48 percent of the vote. But hey, who’s counting? Oh, right, the DNC.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because there’s a twist in this tale. There’s chatter that Biden’s support among the whippersnappers and the African American voters might be on the decline. Can you imagine that? It’s like the plot of a political thriller unfolding right before our very eyes.

And let’s not forget, South Carolina’s open primary means that these Palmetto State residents can pick their poison and vote in either the GOP or Dem primary. But, of course, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. If they skip out on the Dem primary, they’ll have to bide their time for the GOP showdown in a few weeks. Decisions, decisions, folks.

So, saddle up, because the 2024 race is already off to a rip-roaring start. And who said politics was boring? It’s a wild ride, and the Democrats still have some tea leaves to read and chickens to count. Hold onto your hats, dear readers, it’s going to be one heck of a journey!

Written by Staff Reports

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