
Biden Team Scrambles to Assess Kamala Harris as 2024 Contender Amid Growing Doubts

President Joe Biden’s camp seems to be in a bit of a tailspin as they scramble to figure out if Kamala Harris might stand a chance against former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical matchup. The fact that they’re even considering this speaks volumes about their lack of confidence in Sleepy Joe’s ability to hold the fort.

Sources leaking information to The New York Times say that Biden’s team is sweating bullets over Harris’s potential as a frontrunner. It’s like they’re playing a game of political musical chairs and they’re not sure if Kamala will still have a seat when the music stops.

Rumors are swirling that some of Biden’s closest confidants are starting to doubt his 2024 ambitions. Even Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reportedly testing the waters with donors to see if there’s a lifeboat they can throw Biden off of.

While some party bigwigs are whispering that Biden should gracefully bow out, others are clinging to the hope that Harris could swoop in and save the day. But let’s be real here – Harris couldn’t even hold her own during the primary debates, so the idea that she could take on Trump is laughable.

And just when you thought things couldn’t get more bizarre, enter George Clooney, Hollywood’s gift to political advice. He’s out here suggesting Biden should drop out because of a lousy debate performance. Must be nice to live in La La Land, where reality is just a concept.

A memo from Biden’s campaign leaders is trying to put on a brave face, insisting that their boy Joe is still the best shot they’ve got. But deep down, you know they’re sweating bullets and wondering if Biden’s next public appearance will be the final nail in the coffin of his political career. It’s like waiting for a train wreck to happen, and we all know it’s just a matter of time.

Written by Staff Reports

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