
Biden Tries Old Tricks at UnidosUS, Eyes Latino Votes in Key Nevada

President Joe Biden is once again trotting out his predictable bag of pandering tricks, this time with a speech at the UnidosUS Annual Conference in Las Vegas. It’s set for around 4:30 p.m. EDT – don’t let his schedule interfere with your afternoon siesta. The conference, self-described as one of the largest gatherings of Latinos and their so-called “allies,” is focused on increasing opportunity and driving the ever-elusive “social justice” narrative for the Latino community. Translation: another attempt to convince voters that more government interference is the answer to all life’s problems.

Nevada, the chosen stage for this latest theatrical production, is no coincidence. This critical battleground state is seeing former President Donald Trump leading by six points in a multi-candidate poll. Clearly, the Biden administration is sweating bullets, realizing their grip on key states is more slippery than a greased pig at a county fair.

Attendees should brace themselves for a litany of broken promises and empty gestures, as Biden rolls out the red carpet of rhetoric. These speeches are always high on emotional appeals but low on practical solutions, designed to tug at heartstrings while the audience reaches for their wallets to pay for the socialist utopia being promised. It’s the same song and dance: inflate the government’s role and deflate the individual’s liberty. 


For those keeping score, Biden’s track record on delivering results for the Latino community is as impressive as a soggy taco. From failing border policies to neglecting economic empowerment, the gaps are as glaring as the empty store shelves during his administration’s economic policies.

The election year pandering circus is in town, and Biden is the reluctant ringmaster trying to keep his acts from tripping over each other. In the end, this speech will likely be another forgettable chapter in an administration plagued by poor decisions and declining approval ratings. The real winners here are the voters who see through the smokescreen and realize that conservative principles of smaller government and greater personal responsibility offer a much clearer path to prosperity.

Written by Staff Reports

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