
Biden Tries to Block Texas Border Security; Abbott Fights Back!

The Biden Administration has once again shown their true colors by trying to interfere with Texas’s efforts to secure its border. In a cease-and-desist letter, the administration ordered Texas law enforcement and national guard personnel to vacate Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, a popular staging area for illegal aliens. But Governor Greg Abbott is not backing down, and thank goodness for that!

Texas knows that it’s time to take matters into its own hands when it comes to border security. With Operation Lonestar, Governor Abbott has deployed hundreds of law enforcement and national guard troops to the border, much to the chagrin of the Biden Administration. The federal government has even had the audacity to claim that Texas arresting illegal aliens and deporting them is illegal. Can you believe it?

But hang on just a minute, folks. Let’s look at the facts. The Department of Homeland General Counsel, Jonathan Meyer, penned a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, claiming that Operation Lonestar is endangering the lives of border crossers. Really? It seems like the only lives being endangered are the American lives that suffer the consequences of illegal immigration.

Meyer also had the nerve to bring up a tragic incident where a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass. He insinuated that Texas was to blame for the deaths because they didn’t provide access to the border. Give us a break! Texas wasn’t the one encouraging these people to risk their lives by crossing the border illegally.

The Texas Military Department has vehemently denied the federal government’s claims, calling them “wholly inaccurate.” They explained that Border Patrol agents were alerted to the incident by Mexican authorities who had already retrieved the bodies. Texas was only trying to pursue potential witnesses, as any responsible law enforcement agency would do.

But of course, the White House had to chime in and criticize Governor Abbott’s efforts. According to a spokesperson, Abbott’s actions are “cruel, inhumane, and dangerous.” Well, what about the cruelty, inhumanity, and danger caused by illegal immigration? It seems like the Biden Administration is more concerned with their open borders agenda than the safety and security of American citizens.

Despite the pushback from the feds, Governor Abbott has made it clear that Texas will not back down. Operation Lonestar will continue, and in March, a new law will take effect allowing Texas to detain illegal aliens and deport them. This is fantastic news! Finally, someone is standing up for the rule of law and protecting American citizens.

And let’s not forget the water and land-based barriers that Texas has set up in the Eagle Pass area. The Biden Administration has been playing legal games, trying to block these barriers, but Texas isn’t backing down. They know that every effort to secure the border is crucial, especially when the federal government refuses to take action.

It’s high time we had leaders like Governor Abbott who are willing to take a stand against the Biden Administration’s reckless disregard for our national security. Texas is leading the way, and conservatives across the country should rally behind them. We cannot allow the safety and well-being of American citizens to be sacrificed on the altar of open borders and political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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