
Bidenomics: Is Your Wallet Feeling Twice as Thin? 2023 Economic Fallout Uncovered!

According to a recent survey from Rasmussen, it seems that Bidenomics is leaving Americans feeling worse off economically. The survey, which polled 1,102 Americans just after Christmas, found that a whopping 45 percent of Americans say they are worse off economically than they were a year ago. Ouch! That’s almost half the population feeling like they’re moving in the wrong direction.

But wait, it gets worse (or should we say “Bidenflation” gets worse). Critics of President Biden have dubbed the rise in inflation as “Bidenflation,” and it’s a major reason why Americans feel like they’re falling behind. Consumer prices have skyrocketed, increasing 3.1 percent in the 12 months through November and a whopping 7.1 percent in the prior 12-month period. Since Biden took office, consumer prices have gone up a staggering 16.8 percent. That’s not the kind of financial progress we were promised, is it?

Although hourly wages have seen some increase, they still haven’t kept up with the rising prices. On average, hourly wages have gone up 14.3 percent since Biden took office, which is more than two-and-a-half points below the inflation watermark. So while workers may be making a little more, their dollars are still worth less in the face of rising costs. Thanks, Bidenomics!

Now, it comes as no surprise that Democrats are the most likely to say they are better off economically. We all know they love a good tax-and-spend policy. Thirty-nine percent of Democrats say they are better off, compared to just 18 percent of Republicans and 13 percent of Americans not affiliated with a major party. Looks like the left is living in their little economic bubble.

And let’s not forget the strong racial divide in America. According to the survey, 32 percent of black Americans say they are worse off than they were a year ago, while 45 percent of whites and a whopping 55 percent of other minorities say the same. It seems that Biden’s economic policies aren’t doing much to bridge that gap.

So there you have it folks, Bidenomics may be making some people feel better, but for the vast majority, it’s leaving them worse off. Maybe it’s time for a new economic strategy that benefits all Americans, not just a select few. Just a thought.


Written by Staff Reports

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