
Bidenomics: The Disastrous Truth They Don’t Want You to Know!

The White House is at it again, folks! They’re desperately trying to convince hardworking Americans that “Bidenomics” – yes, that’s what they’re calling it – is actually beneficial for the economy. But let’s not forget, this is the same administration that failed to deliver on their “Build Back Better” agenda during the 2020 campaign. So forgive us for being a bit skeptical.

Instead of focusing on the real issues that Americans are facing, such as skyrocketing prices and shrinking wages, the White House is pulling a Coachella move by sending out Janet Yellen, John Podesta, and Marcia Fudge on a roadshow. Because nothing screams “economic success” like a music festival-style promotion, right?

But here’s the truth, folks. “Bidenomics” has been a disaster from day one. The President’s war on fossil fuels and American energy independence has left us reliant on expensive foreign oil. Remember last summer, when gas prices reached an all-time high? Yeah, that was thanks to Biden’s brilliant policies.

And let’s not forget about inflation – the silent killer of our wallets. Thanks to Biden and his tax-and-spend mentality, inflation has been running rampant for over two years. It started at a manageable 1.4 percent when Biden took office, but after he and his buddies in Congress racked up over $3 trillion in debt, inflation shot up like a rocket. Prices have gone up by a staggering 16 percent, leaving hardworking Americans struggling to make ends meet.

But don’t worry, folks. The White House has a plan. They’ll just deny that inflation is a problem and blame it on greedy corporations or even Vladimir Putin. Anything to distract us from the harsh reality we’re facing under “Bidenomics.” Meanwhile, interest rates are soaring, adding even more economic pain to the mix. The Federal Reserve has been raising rates at the fastest pace in 40 years, all because Biden’s policies have thrown inflation off the charts.

And let’s talk about credit card debt, shall we? Americans are drowning in it, thanks to their desperate attempts to keep up with the disastrous effects of “Bidenomics.” The average household now owes around $10,000 in credit card debt, amounting to a whopping $1 trillion nationally. Can you say financial crisis?

Despite all of this, the Biden administration expects us to believe that everything is just peachy. They want us to ignore the economic mess we see around us and the stress “Bidenomics” has brought to our family budgets. But here’s the kicker – a clear majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. We’re not falling for their shameless spin.

So, folks, let’s trust our “lying eyes” and reject the White House’s attempts to deceive us. We can see the pain caused by “Bidenomics,” and it’s time to hold this administration accountable for their disastrous policies. Our wallets can’t afford another day of their reckless spending and failed economic agenda.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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