
Bidenomics Tour Flops: 52% Americans Drowning in Debt Under Joe’s Economy

President Joe Biden’s “Bidenomics” tour has taken off despite the fact that a whopping half of Americans claim that he’s made them financially worse off. Talk about a rough start! According to a trusty Fox News poll, Biden is currently rocking a 60 percent disapproval rating when it comes to the economy. Yikes! But wait, it gets even worse! A Daily Mail poll found that a staggering 52 percent of Americans feel like they’re drowning in debt ever since Biden set foot in the Oval Office. Can you blame them?

Undeterred by the undeniable truth staring him in the face, Biden and his trusty team of top Cabinet officials are embarking on a nationwide tour to sing the praises of his “plan.” Supposedly, this plan is going to miraculously bring the U.S. economy back to life. Well, color us skeptical! This President is more talk than action, and his past promises rarely seem to materialize. So forgive us if we’re not exactly jumping for joy over his latest roadshow.

This week, the spry 80-year-old president will be making a pitstop in South Carolina to announce some new spending on clean energy manufacturing. Ah yes, nothing like throwing more money at lofty promises and hoping for the best, right? Meanwhile, the White House’s communications director, Ben LaBolt, can’t seem to contain his excitement for Bidenomics. He claims that this tour is an opportunity for the president to show off his supposed “accomplishments” to the American people. Well, Ben, we hate to break it to you, but we’re going to need a lot more than a gossipy PR campaign to convince us that Bidenomics is anything other than a disaster waiting to happen.

The so-called Bidenomics is all about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not from the top down. Sounds nice, right? But here’s the thing: nice-sounding phrases and empty promises don’t pay the bills. The reality is that Americans are struggling under the weight of rising prices and stagnant wages. And despite what the White House wants us to believe, Biden isn’t exactly the hero they make him out to be.

The White House may be living in a fantasy world where they believe Biden isn’t getting the credit he deserves for the economy, but the rest of us aren’t so easily fooled. Republicans, for one, are calling Biden’s plan an “economic disaster.” And let’s be honest here, they might actually have a point! House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a fine Republican from sunny California, made a valid observation. Inflation is running rampant, and it’s not just because of Biden’s policies. It’s also due to Russia and the turmoil in Ukraine. But of course, the White House conveniently forgets to mention that little detail.

If you need more proof that Biden’s economic plan is a joke, just take a look at the numbers. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, grocery prices have shot up a whopping 20 percent since Biden took office. That’s not exactly pocket change! And let’s not forget about gas prices, which have skyrocketed by a mind-boggling 51 percent. It’s like we’re all being held hostage at the pump! Oh, and by the way, electricity prices have increased by a not-so-insignificant 22 percent. So much for Bidenomics bringing relief to hardworking American families.

In conclusion, Biden’s grand economic plan may have a fancy name, but the reality is far from impressive. Americans are suffering, drowning in debt, and feeling the pinch of soaring prices. It’s time for Biden to step up, put his money where his mouth is, and deliver real results. Until then, we’ll be here watching and waiting, with a healthy dose of skepticism and a longing for a leader who can truly put America back on track.

Written by Staff Reports

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