
Biden’s 2024 Campaign Sinks as Democrats Panic Over Trump Showdown

It looks like Joe Biden’s political ship is on a direct course for an iceberg named Donald Trump, and it’s not going to be a pretty collision. A growing number of Democrats are clamoring for Biden to be yanked off their ticket. The floodgates of dissent could open wide if his 5:30 PM nap… er, news conference doesn’t go off without a hitch. One has to wonder how sharp his performance will be when it’s scheduled conveniently after his usual bedtime.

Hollywood elites, ever the fair-weather friends, are now sprinting away from Biden like he’s a new tax hike. They’re all singing the same tune: time for “Sleepy Joe” to go. Biden seems to think he’s still campaigning in 2020. Spoiler alert, Joe—this is 2024, and everyone’s seeing the real you: an incoherent has-been with a resume as thin as a slice of deli ham. If he’s remembered for anything, it might be for trying to smear Justice Clarence Thomas, fibbing about his academic past, stealing speeches, and being the punchline for jokes from Obama’s staffers. Biden’s mental faculties are slipping faster than a greased pig at a country fair, and it’s making him even more irritable.

Nancy Pelosi, in her infinite kindness, tried not to go full throttle in suggesting Biden drop out but came pretty darn close. Her soft pedal approach seems to bounce off Biden’s ego like a rubber ball on a brick wall, revealing the angry, bitter man he’s really always been. Only someone as deluded as Patrick Bateman could find empathy in Biden’s tangled web of resentment. Pelosi’s discreet comments left some White House staffers in open-mouthed shock, as they helplessly watched the drama unfold on live TV. Biden, of course, is grumbling about disloyalty while his dwindling list of supporters bat down rumors of his inadequacies.

Congress is in turmoil, and Democratic lawmakers are panicking. Hollywood’s A-listers are quaking in their designer boots, afraid a Biden candidacy is a one-way ticket to Loserville. The president’s response? Anger and denial. Pelosi might be the only one who can talk sense into him, but so far, her efforts haven’t moved the needle. Politically essential Democrats like Chuck Schumer and James Clyburn are playing hot potato with the decision, making sure it lands back on Biden’s lap. 


Still reeling from being skipped over for Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden seems to be clenching onto his candidacy as if it’s his favorite pair of aviators. His stubborn grip on the campaign is having a domino effect down the ballot, too. States like Pennsylvania are showing redder hues than a lobster at a summer cookout, indicating a potential Republican surge in 2024. Biden was already losing to Trump before his disastrous debate, and the aftermath has only widened the gap. Despite the political landscape crumbling around him, “Delusional Joe” remains ensconced in his denial bunker, shaking his fists at the truth-tellers.

Written by Staff Reports

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