
Biden’s 9/11 Justice Failure: Plea Deals for Terrorists?!

The Biden administration’s approach to seeking justice for the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is nothing short of a complete travesty. After almost twenty-five years, we are still no closer to achieving resolution in the trials of these profoundly evil men. It is outrageous that we have ended wars in Afghanistan and Iraq before even figuring out how to deal with the monsters who initiated this horrific process.

Now, to add insult to injury, the FBI and DOJ under the Biden administration are seeking input from the victims’ families regarding a possible plea deal for the suspected architect of the attacks and his fellow defendants. It is astoundingly inappropriate to ask the families to decide the fate of these terrorists who caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

The timing of this ill-conceived idea is also deeply painful. With the anniversary of September 11th approaching, the families and the entire nation are reminded of the terrible tragedy and loss. To receive a letter asking for feedback on a potential plea deal during this time is nothing short of callous and insensitive.

There is absolutely no question about the guilt of the terrorists responsible for the September 11th attacks. We shouldn’t have to debate this. They deserve no deals and definitely no mercy. The military justice system has utterly failed in bringing these perpetrators to justice and has dragged the case out for far too long.

The United States should not offer or consider any plea deals with these terrorists. It is not a controversial statement; it is a demand for justice. The death penalty should be a given for these monsters. They have caused irreparable harm and deserve the most severe punishment imaginable.

The government owes the victims’ families two apologies. First, for failing to achieve a verdict and provide closure and justice for nearly a quarter of a century. Second, for even entertaining the idea of a plea deal. It is a disgrace to even consider such an insult to justice.

President Biden must take responsibility for this failure in seeking justice. He has the power to demand more from the DOJ, FBI, and military officers involved in these cases. Justice is not being served, and it is his duty as the leader of our nation to ensure that the perpetrators of one of the most heinous acts in American history face the consequences they deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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