
Biden’s Afghan Blunder Exposed: Lives Lost & U.S. Reputation Tarnished

The Biden administration’s disaster of a withdrawal from Afghanistan just keeps getting worse. A recent report commissioned by Secretary of State Antony Blinken has revealed the complete lack of planning and incompetence that led to the deadly and chaotic situation in Kabul. Unsurprisingly, the report concludes that better planning for worst-case scenarios and consideration of dissenting views could have prevented the unnecessary loss of lives.

As the Taliban took city after city leading up to the fall of Kabul, American officials seemed to rely on flimsy assurances from the Afghan government that they could hold the Taliban at bay. The White House, Pentagon, and State Department all insisted that the collapse of the Afghan government was “anything but inevitable.” Well, we all know how that turned out.

The report also highlights the lack of preparation and personnel within the State Department. Many critical positions were left unfilled by Senate-confirmed appointees, leaving only acting staff in place. While these career employees were capable professionals, they couldn’t make up for the prolonged gaps in senior leadership. It’s clear that Biden’s administration was more interested in pushing their radical agenda than ensuring efficient foreign policy.

Even when it came to securing the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, the Biden administration failed. Despite a plan to drawdown and evacuate the embassy, the operation was condensed from three days to less than 24 hours. Diplomatic Security agents and contractors were the last to leave the compound, as gunfire erupted and looters breached the walls. The lack of preparation and clear decision-making is astounding.

The report also highlights other missteps and failures by Biden. Handing over Bagram Air Base to the Afghan government meant that the only option for a possible evacuation was Hamid Karzai International Airport, which quickly fell to the Taliban. The details of a stay-behind force were not clearly established, leaving Afghan allies vulnerable. The Biden administration’s constantly changing guidance and messaging only added to the confusion and failed to consider the realities on the ground.

It’s clear that the Biden administration was completely unprepared for the worst-case scenario in Afghanistan. They lacked personnel, didn’t listen to dissenting views, and had no solid plans in place. And now, as we see the Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, it’s important to question whether the State Department has learned anything from this catastrophe. Are they taking the necessary steps to prepare for future crises? Or are they going to continue down the path of incompetence and failed leadership?

It’s time for the Biden administration to face the consequences of their disastrous decisions. Lives were lost, chaos ensued, and America’s reputation was tarnished. We deserve leaders who prioritize the safety and security of our country and its allies. Hopefully, the revelations in this report will serve as a wake-up call for the Biden administration to start taking their responsibilities seriously. But based on their track record so far, I’m not holding my breath.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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