
Biden’s Age Antics Fool No One – 86% Say He’s Too Old for Oval!

President Joe Biden is at it again, trying to distract everyone from the fact that he’s older than dirt by cracking jokes about his age. The guy is 81 and still clinging to the hope of being in the White House until he’s 86! Like that’s going to happen!

Every time someone asks about his age, Biden just chuckles and throws out some wisecracks. He even teased a reporter about being a possible replacement for some governor. And get this: at a fundraiser in Los Angeles, he tried to pass himself off as “40 times two.” Nice try, Biden, but we all know the truth.

The guy’s been using the same jokes about his age over and over again. He even celebrated his 81st birthday by making a big spectacle out of blowing out 81 candles. Give it a rest, Joe! We get it, you’re old.

But not everyone is falling for his comedic antics. An ABC News poll revealed that a whopping 86% of people think Biden is too ancient to serve another term in the Oval Office. Can you blame them? The man can’t even control his own age.

Republican strategist John Feehery hit the nail on the head when he said that Biden’s age and obvious struggles are no laughing matter. It’s a serious issue, especially given the country’s security concerns. And let’s not forget that Biden doesn’t seem to be the one calling the shots in his own administration. The whole thing’s a joke… but not the funny kind.

This whole “laugh it off” strategy isn’t new. Remember when John McCain tried to win people over with his age jokes? Yeah, that didn’t go so well. And now Nikki Haley, the lone GOP voice against Biden and Trump, is slamming them both as grumpy old men. Sounds about right to me!

But in the end, it’s all just a big political circus. Biden can crack all the jokes he wants, but it won’t change the fact that he’s seen better days. And let’s face it, with Donald Trump waiting in the wings, age is the least of Biden’s worries.

Written by Staff Reports

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