
Biden’s AI Power Grab: Executive Order Exposed!

On Monday, President Biden issued an executive order that demonstrated his resolve to address the challenges presented by artificial intelligence (AI). Biden asserted with pride that this order constitutes the "most robust series of measures ever undertaken by any government on a global scale" through his signature. Deputy Chief of Staff of the White House Bruce Reed expressed a similar viewpoint, characterizing it as the "next phase in an all-out effort to exploit the advantages and minimize the drawbacks of artificial intelligence."

A variety of provisions within the order are intended to fundamentally alter the federal government's approach to artificial intelligence. Specifically, it institutes novel benchmarks for the sector with the intention of mitigating the escalating apprehensions pertaining to economic and national security risks. Americans will have their privacy, civil liberties, consumer protections, and employment stability addressed by these standards.

An essential component of the order is devoted to the safety and security of artificial intelligence. The federal government will now require private AI developers whose technologies are regarded to pose risks to national security, economic security, public health, and safety to disclose the results of their safety tests. This modification guarantees that the government maintains thorough supervision over AI advancements that have the potential to cause harm.

Moreover, in an effort to prioritize AI security, numerous agencies will work together to develop and implement tests, tools, and standards. Our comprehensive strategy is designed to enhance public confidence in AI technologies, which is a critical determinant in their extensive implementation.

Additionally, the executive order prohibits the use of AI in discriminatory practices. It explicitly attends to issues pertaining to racial equity, guaranteeing that neither federal contractors nor landlords employ AI in a discriminatory fashion. Furthermore, the order delineates optimal methodologies that law enforcement agencies ought to adhere to when implementing AI technology, placing particular emphasis on the criticality of applying such standards in an unbiased and equitable manner.

Safety programs are established for the implementation of AI in healthcare and education in response to concerns regarding potential adverse effects on consumers. By taking this proactive stance, any potential harm that may result from the implementation of AI in these disciplines is attempted to be mitigated.

In conclusion, an order issued by President Biden urges Congress to pass bipartisan legislation concerning data privacy, with an emphasis on safeguarding the privacy of minors. In light of the increasing apprehension surrounding data breaches and privacy infringements propelled by technology, this appeal underscores the administration's dedication to protecting the personal information of the American public.

A few days prior to this momentous executive order, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer emphasized the critical nature of confronting the ramifications of artificial intelligence on elections, asserting that it ought to be a legislative priority. One of the few domains that has escaped the customary political impasse in Washington is the subject of artificial intelligence, presenting a chance for bipartisan collaboration. Schumer acknowledged this, stating, "This will have widespread support, and many of our more conservative Republicans are, in a sense, similar to me – we've been China hawks." He emphasized the significance of maintaining a competitive edge over China in the field of artificial intelligence.

President Biden's executive order signifies a significant and conclusive advancement in the pursuit of leveraging the potential of artificial intelligence while concurrently mitigating its associated risks. This demonstrates a dedication to a comprehensive and forward-thinking strategy aimed at safeguarding the ongoing success of the United States in the global domain of artificial intelligence.

Written by Staff Reports

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