
Biden’s Aides in Damage Control Amidst His Apparent Frailty, European Diplomat Alarms Raised

​​​Joe Biden’s aides are desperately attempting to downplay the issue of his frailty, but their excuses are becoming increasingly far-fetched. The mainstream media, once known for protecting the president at all costs, can no longer ignore the glaring reality that Biden’s age and weakness are problematic.

In recent weeks, accommodations have been made to prevent further embarrassing incidents, such as Biden’s use of shorter stairs to board Air Force One. While the official explanation is that it’s a mere coincidence, his aides privately admit that his recent fall at the Air Force Academy commencement is the driving factor behind these new precautions. It’s clear that they are scrambling to find ways to prevent any more embarrassing incidents from occurring.

And it’s not just the stairs that are a concern. Biden’s reliance on meticulous note cards and his tendency to skip evening events abroad are also signs of his declining mental and physical capabilities. The president seems to be preserving his energy and limiting his exposure, possibly to avoid further scrutiny of his senility.

Skipping dinners with world leaders may seem like a small matter, but it sends a strong message of weakness and incompetence on the world stage. It’s not just about socializing; it’s about formulating strategies and showing solidarity. When the President of the United States can’t even make it to dinner because he’s too fatigued, it speaks volumes about his ability to fulfill his duties.

But Biden’s aides continue to gaslight the American people, insisting that his age is actually a “superpower.” This absurd claim is nothing more than a desperate attempt to deflect attention from his obvious decline. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe anything that comes out of the White House or its allies.

Even the Europeans are recognizing Biden’s frailty. A former Western diplomat bluntly stated that he is physically frail and lacks the stamina of a younger president like Obama. Europeans consider his age of 82 to 86 (at the end of a potential second term) to be “really old” by their standards. It’s clear that Biden’s unfitness for office is a concern beyond US borders.

The reality is that Biden’s decline cannot be hidden for much longer. His aides may hope for another low-effort campaign next year, but it will ultimately be up to the voters to decide whether they want a president who is clearly unfit for the job.

Written by Staff Reports

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