
Biden’s Air Force One Fails Overshadow WH Protocol Changes!

President Joe Biden, notorious for his trips and slips on the steps of Air Force One, is reportedly making a change. In an intentional shift, the Biden Administration is now utilizing a shorter staircase to assist the 80-year-old president in boarding the aircraft. It seems that age has caught up with Biden, as he has also switched from dress shoes to sneakers for a more comfortable journey up the stairs. Dress shoes, apparently, no longer pass muster as presidential attire in Biden’s mind. It’s a good thing he has eased up on his strict fashion rules, because he has had quite a few mishaps while trying to ascend the plane’s staircase.

Last week, Biden’s latest stumble occurred at the Helsinki-Vantaan International Airport, where he was departing after attending the NATO Summit in Lithuania. He couldn’t even make it halfway up the stairs before appearing to lose his balance yet again. This marks at least the fourth time Biden has taken a tumble while attempting to board Air Force One. Despite these embarrassing incidents, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brushed off concerns about Biden’s mobility problems when questioned by a reporter. It seems the Biden administration would rather gloss over any physical frailty on display.

According to Politico, Biden’s aides have been working diligently to avoid situations where signs of his physical frailty might be apparent. It’s not uncommon for presidents to opt for shorter steps in inclement weather, but Biden seems to need them all the time. Even Democrats have joined the critics in raising concerns about Biden’s old age and ability to successfully hold the presidency for four more years. However, the president himself has dismissed these concerns, boasting that his age is an advantage because he supposedly knows more than the vast majority of people. With all due respect, Mr. President, perhaps you should focus on maintaining your balance while navigating a simple set of stairs before making such claims.


Written by Staff Reports

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