
Biden’s Alias Busted: Secret Ukraine Messages with Son Uncovered!

President Joe Biden’s use of multiple pseudonyms during his time as vice president has raised questions about the extent of his communications during that period, particularly regarding Ukraine policy and his son, Hunter Biden. The House Oversight Committee has recently requested the National Archives to provide any communications involving three of Joe Biden’s aliases: Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware. The committee is specifically interested in correspondence between these aliases, Hunter Biden, and two of his former business partners, Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer.

Although only emails involving these aliases and Hunter Biden have been made public due to the contents of a laptop left in a Delaware repair shop, these messages indicate that Hunter Biden was aware of his father’s preparations for talks with Ukrainian officials in 2016. This is significant because, at the time, Hunter Biden was working on the board of a Ukrainian energy company that was under investigation. The fact that he was included in scheduling emails using Joe Biden’s pseudonym, Robert Peters, suggests his involvement in Ukrainian policy matters.

Furthermore, Joe Biden had already successfully pressured Ukraine’s president to fire a prosecutor who was investigating the energy company that was paying Hunter Biden. This information was mentioned in a call between Joe Biden and the Ukrainian president in May 2016, which Hunter Biden was copied on. Additionally, Hunter Biden was included in an email regarding his father’s schedule for a meeting with the Ukrainian prime minister, and his business partner, Eric Schwerin, had visited the White House just five days prior to that meeting.

These emails and communications indicate a deeper involvement of Joe Biden in his son’s business affairs than he has previously acknowledged. An IRS whistleblower has come forward with evidence suggesting that Joe Biden had a significant role in his son’s business, including discussions of cutting Joe Biden in on a Chinese business deal. Former business partners have also confirmed that Joe Biden would join meetings with foreign business associates, including those from the Ukrainian company, either by speakerphone or in person. Furthermore, bank records show that Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, also earned substantial income from foreign sources during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

These revelations call into question Joe Biden’s claim that he had no involvement in his son’s business dealings and raise concerns about ethics and conflicts of interest. It is crucial that the National Archives provide all relevant communications to shed light on the extent of Joe Biden’s actions during his time as vice president.

Written by Staff Reports

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