
Biden’s Alias Email Scandal: Secrets, Lies, and Hiding Government Business?

The Associated Press has obtained the secret Alias accounts of Joe Biden, which expose the extent of government corruption.

It has been revealed that former US Vice President Joe Biden used multiple pseudonyms to communicate with his family and government business. The National Archives confirmed that there were over 5,000 emails related to the aliases used by Biden.

This information was revealed due to a lawsuit filed by a foundation that seeks the release of such data.

During his time as the US Vice President, Biden used different alias accounts to communicate with his family and government business. Although the National Archives has confirmed that he used multiple aliases, it has not released any of the emails to the public. According to Kimberly Hermann, the general counsel of a foundation that seeks transparency in government, the American people have a right to know what is in the emails.

James Comer, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight, has asked the National Archives to provide the committee with unredacted records related to the communications between Biden and his son Hunter. Despite the former vice president's insistence that he did not violate any laws, evidence has shown that his family's web of influence extended far and wide.

Republican investigators have raised concerns about the use of pseudonyms by public officials. One of them is Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin. He noted that he has been asking the White House about Biden's activities since 2021. Despite multiple requests, the administration has not responded to his concerns.

The developments in the case of Biden's use of aliases have been further exacerbated by James Comer's discovery of an email chain in 2016 that contained a link that revealed Biden's discussion with Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president. According to Patel, comparing Biden's alias to that of Hillary Clinton's server is comparable to how Robert Peters handled money laundering operations for the government.

Using taxpayer funds, Biden established an offshore-style email system in the White House. He used it to send and receive his numerous emails about his and Hunter's business dealings with individuals from Ukraine, China, and other countries.

The use of aliases by Biden has raised concerns about his accountability and transparency. As the scandal unfolds, it's clear that the American people need answers regarding his actions and the contents of his emails. The public has the right to know if the emails show a pattern of corruption or abuse of power.

The National Archives should immediately release the approximately 5,400 emails that Biden sent and received using multiple aliases. The American people have a constitutional right to know what was in these emails.

Written by Staff Reports

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