
Biden’s America: Illegals Demand Freebies, Taxpayers Suffer

The Biden Administration strikes again, emboldening illegal migrants to demand handouts and benefits while hard-working Americans foot the bill. This week, a group of audacious illegal aliens took to the streets of Chicago, shamelessly protesting for free housing, paid job training, and access to food and water. Can you believe the nerve?

Carrying signs with entitled messages like “We Need Paid Job Training,” “We Need Jobs,” and “We Need Housing,” these individuals showcased a brazen disregard for the laws of our country. It’s as if they believe they deserve the same privileges as American citizens, despite breaking into our country unlawfully. How can they demand these things when they have not even earned the right to reside here?

Unfortunately, Democrat-run cities like Chicago and New York have become magnets for illegal migrants, thanks to President Joe Biden’s open-border policies. Instead of addressing the national security and economic concerns associated with illegal immigration, the Biden Administration rolls out the red carpet for them. Perhaps it’s time to start holding our leaders accountable for their misguided decisions.

Even Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, has decided to turn Chicago into a sanctuary city, disregarding federal immigration law. He signed a bill that includes “immigration status” as a protected class under the Illinois Human Rights Act. This means that landlords are now forced to rent to illegal migrants, putting the burden on them to provide housing, regardless of the soaring cost of living in liberal cities. It’s a ludicrous policy that punishes hard-working property owners and rewards those who choose to enter our country illegally.

But that’s not all. Earlier this year, residents of a Chicago neighborhood took legal action against the city for planning to convert an old high school into a migrant respite center. Can you blame them? Over 8,000 illegal migrants have already fled Chicago since last August, and more than 200 enter the city daily, overwhelming law enforcement and draining resources. Yet, instead of addressing this crisis head-on, the city declares a state of emergency and struggles to keep up with the influx.

It’s time for common sense to prevail. We must put an end to the notion that illegal migrants are entitled to the same benefits and privileges as law-abiding Americans. Our immigration system should prioritize the well-being and security of our citizens, not reward those who break the rules. It’s time to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the rights and livelihoods of the American people.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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