
Biden’s America: Trust in US Institutions Crumbles to Record Lows!

As Americans were enjoying the Fourth of July festivities, Fox News had to go and spoil the mood by releasing the results of a new poll indicating that only 39 percent of Americans say they are proud of their country. It seems like people are losing faith in the very core institutions that define America. A recent Gallup poll revealed that Americans have little confidence in various institutions that we hold dear.

The presidency took the biggest hit in the poll, with a measly 26 percent expressing their faith in that institution. The Supreme Court didn’t fare much better, with a confidence rating of only 27 percent. These are the institutions that shape our nation, and yet people have lost faith in them. It’s truly disheartening. The news gets even worse as the poll shows that faith in newspapers stands at a dismal 18 percent, while the criminal justice system barely manages 17 percent. And let’s not even talk about big business, television news, and Congress, which all scored embarrassingly low ratings.

One can’t help but attribute the loss of confidence in the office of the presidency to the current occupant himself, Joe Biden. He recently took an economic victory lap in South Carolina, a state where a majority of residents believe the economy is worse than it was a year ago. It’s no wonder that Biden has a 66 percent disapproval rating in the state. This sentiment is echoed across the country, as 75 percent of Americans believe the economy is deteriorating. It’s clear that Biden’s policies are not inspiring confidence in the American people.

While there are a few bright spots in the poll, such as confidence in the police, the military, and small businesses, the overall average confidence in American institutions hits an all-time low of 26 percent. And who’s to blame for this? Joe Biden, of course. It’s happening under his watch, and he needs to take responsibility for the lack of faith in our nation’s institutions.

The decline in confidence in other institutions can be attributed to their appearance in current events. Faith in the medical system has dropped by ten percentage points from 2021 to 2023, which is understandable given the revelations about misinformation during the pandemic. Additionally, faith in the public school system has dipped from 32 percent to 26 percent during the same period. However, it seems that Americans still place some trust in faith and organized religion, with only a slight decrease in confidence from 37 percent to 32 percent.

The decline in pride and patriotism is directly linked to the lack of faith in our institutions. The education system plays a significant role in this decline, with the dangerous teachings of critical race theory fostering hatred toward our country. If younger Americans are taught to see America as a negative force, they won’t have any desire to defend it. This is evident in the abysmal recruitment numbers for the military. This disdain will inevitably translate into apathy for the institutions our great nation was built upon.

Much of this can be attributed to the left’s constant demonization of these institutions, painting them as harmful to certain groups of Americans. However, those who lived through the tail end of President Jimmy Carter’s term can’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu. The country’s mood now is eerily similar to that of the late 1970s. Perhaps 2024 will bring about a similar change, just like 1980 did.

It’s disheartening to see the decline in faith among Americans in our cherished institutions. We need strong leadership and policies that inspire confidence and pride in our country. Joe Biden has failed on both fronts, and it’s clear that his presidency is contributing to the erosion of trust in the very institutions that make America exceptional.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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