
Biden’s Amnesty Scam: Thousands of Migrants Slip Through Shady Loophole

The sneaky Biden bunch has been caught red-handed using a tricky loophole to give quasi-amnesty to a ton of migrants. This loophole allows them to bypass the proper channels and just let these folks in without following the rules. The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse dug up the dirt on this and found out that thousands of migrants have been given this special treatment. It’s like they’re trying to pull a fast one on the American people!

This kind of shady behavior is exactly what we’ve come to expect from the Biden administration. They claim to be tough on immigration, but then they turn around and use these underhanded tactics to just let people waltz right in. It’s unfair to all the folks who are waiting in line and doing things the right way. Why should these migrants get a free pass while others have to play by the rules?

It’s time for the American people to wake up and see what’s really going on here. The Biden administration is playing games with our immigration system, and it’s not fair to anyone. We need to hold them accountable and demand that they start following the law like everyone else. The American people deserve better than this kind of sneaky behavior from our leaders!

Written by Staff Reports

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