
Biden’s Approval Crashes, Economy Cries Uncle!

President Joe Biden, the now-crumbling commander-in-chief, is stumbling in the political spotlight, as his approval ratings and poll numbers continue to plummet like a skydiver without a parachute. With the 2024 election fast approaching, it seems like the as-seen-on-T.V. rematch between former and potentially future President Donald Trump is looming on the horizon.

In a shocking turn of events (or not so shocking to those conservative crusaders), Biden’s approval ratings have dropped to a dismal 40.5%, while a staggering 55.9% strongly disapprove of his performance. And when it comes to the economy – oh boy, brace yourself – Biden is facing an abysmal 37.2% approval rating, with a whopping 59.7% disapproval. We might as well call it the “Biden Blues” because that’s the sad, sad tune the economy is singing under his watch.

What’s more, inflation is causing more frowns than a dentist’s waiting room, with a pitiful 32.4% of Americans approving of how Biden is handling the inflation crisis, while 64.4% are giving him a big thumbs down. Yikes!

Despite the glaring disapproval from the American people, when asked about the economy, Biden simply responded with a dismissive “All good. Take a look! Start reporting it the right way.” Well, excuse us, Mr. President, for not realizing that a tanking economy and soaring inflation rates are worthy of a celebratory dance. How could we have been so blind?

But here’s the kicker – despite the sinking polls, Biden is still clinging to the hope of another shot at the presidency. It’s like a sad rerun of a failed sitcom, and yet, we’re all expected to sit through it again.

The media isn’t helping either. The mainstream media, known for its gentle treatment of Democrats, is somehow not doing enough to paint ol’ Joe in a rosy light, according to the administration. Or could it be that reality is just refusing to conform to their narrative?

The Hill reported that Biden is struggling to convince a key part of his base to have faith in his leadership. The folks in his inner circle are frantically trying to figure out how to rescue his image from the dumpster fire of negative polls. Spoiler alert: Their attempts so far have been about as successful as attempting to rescue a drowning cat with a sieve.

And yet, the White House insists that the 2024 election will be a close one and that Biden will emerge victorious once voters start comparing him to Trump. They’ve mostly snubbed the polls as meaningless gibberish, conveniently ignoring how these numbers have accurately predicted the outcome of past elections. It’s like they’re living in a parallel universe where facts are as elusive as a unicorn at a dog show.


Written by Staff Reports

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