
Biden’s Approval Plummets: Economy Fails, Inflation Soars, Voters Outraged!

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to tank as Americans express their dissatisfaction with his leadership. In the latest poll from The Economist/YouGov, Biden’s approval rating stands at a measly 45 percent among voters. While this may seem like a boost for him compared to previous polls, it’s nothing to cheer about when 53 percent of voters disapprove of his performance. The numbers among overall respondents are even worse, with only 41 percent approving and a whopping 52 percent disapproving.

But what’s really concerning for Biden is his handling of the economy. A majority of voters, 52 percent to be exact, strongly disapprove of his handling of jobs and the economy. Only 44 percent of voters give him a stamp of approval. Among overall respondents, the numbers are equally dismal, with 41 percent approving and 52 percent disapproving. It’s clear that Americans are not impressed with Biden’s economic policies.

But the real kicker is Biden’s abysmal approval rating on the issue of inflation/prices. Only 34 percent of voters approve of his handling of this critical issue, while a whopping 61 percent disapprove. Among overall respondents, the numbers are even worse, with 33 percent approving and 60 percent disapproving. It’s clear that Biden has failed to address the skyrocketing prices that are hurting hardworking Americans.

Biden’s poor approval ratings on these issues are mirrored in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) averages as well. His approval rating on the economy stands at a laughable 38.1 percent, while a staggering 58.1 percent disapprove. On inflation, his approval rating drops even further to a dismal 33.2 percent, with 62.5 percent disapproving. These numbers highlight the fact that Biden’s economic agenda is a complete failure.

But it’s not just his approval ratings that are cause for concern. The poll also delved into Americans’ views on the economy, and the results were far from positive. A plurality of voters, 46 percent to be exact, believe that the economy is “poor.” Only 25 percent think it’s excellent or good. To make matters worse, a majority of voters, 53 percent, believe that the economy is on a downward trend. Even among Biden voters, only 39 percent believe it’s getting better. It’s clear that Biden’s promises of economic prosperity are falling flat.

Americans are also feeling the pinch in their own wallets. A plurality of voters, 45 percent, believe that they are worse off financially than they were a year ago. Even among Biden voters, 27 percent say they are doing worse. It’s clear that Biden’s economic policies are hurting hardworking Americans.

Furthermore, a majority of voters, 58 percent, believe that inflation is the more important issue compared to unemployment. This sentiment is shared across all demographics. Americans also believe that the prices of goods and services they buy are the best indicator of how the national economy is doing. It’s clear that Americans are feeling the impact of inflation in their daily lives.

The survey also shed light on Biden’s poor messaging on the economy. A plurality of voters, 45 percent, say they’ve heard mostly negative news about the economy. Only 11 percent have heard mostly positive news. This shows that Biden’s attempts to spin his economic policies in a positive light are falling flat.

In the midst of all this economic turmoil, Biden made a shocking announcement that he is ending gas and oil leases in the Arctic. This move is bound to drive gas prices even higher, further burdening American families. It’s clear that Biden is out of touch with the struggles of everyday Americans.

Biden’s poll numbers are not looking good, and it’s no surprise. His handling of the economy and inflation has been abysmal, and Americans are feeling the impact. It’s time for Biden to wake up and address the concerns of hardworking Americans instead of pushing his radical agenda. The American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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