
Biden’s Approval Sinks to 33%: Voters Shun Failing Policies

The liberal news site Townhall had reported some upsetting news last week for all the Joe Biden fans out there. President Biden’s approval rating has hit a new low of just 33 percent! That’s right, folks, a measly 33 percent. Not to rub it in, but that’s a five-point dip from the start of 2023 and a whopping 21 points lower than when he first stepped into the Oval Office.

It seems that voters all across the great land of the United States just aren’t impressed with the way President Biden has been handling things. Whether it’s his approach to the border crisis, his economic policies, dealing with international issues, cooperating with Congress, or bringing Americans together, people are giving him a collective “thumbs down.”

And with the 2024 election lurking just around the corner, these plummeting approval numbers are definitely not music to Biden’s ears. In fact, he’s supposedly getting “increasingly frustrated” with his entourage for not doing enough to work their magic and improve the seemingly unimprovable.

According to The Washington Post, after pardoning a couple of turkeys during a White House tradition, Biden let loose on his team, expressing his disdain for his unpopular poll numbers and demanding to know what on earth his crew and his campaign were doing about it. He even griped that his economic message hadn’t made much of a dent, despite the economy growing and unemployment dropping. Sounds like he’s not too pleased, doesn’t it?

It’s no surprise that Biden and the first lady are feeling the heat over his dismal approval rating and trailing behind his Republican rival, Donald Trump. They’re extra peeved that they’re not making any headway in turning the tide of public opinion.

Biden’s frustration is totally understandable when you think about all the chaos at the border, the enemies of freedom running amok worldwide, and the sky-high prices causing everybody’s wallets to shrink. It’s a head-scratcher why his campaign and White House teams can’t seem to turn things around, but then again, their game plan has mostly revolved around trying to trick Americans into believing that everything is hunky-dory, the economy is booming, prices are dropping, and nothing’s amiss. If anything is wrong, they’d argue, it’s definitely not Biden’s fault. But the American people can see through those smoke and mirrors.

When even Biden himself, who often seems a bit lost, is aware that his polls are a cause for concern, it’s crystal clear that there’s a big problem. The accumulation of troubling polls has made it tough for Democrats to brush them off, leading to some serious soul-searching among Biden’s crew about whether they need to shake up their strategy – or heck, maybe even swap out the candidate altogether. Yikes!

The Post has even picked up on the writing on the wall. Voters, including a good chunk of Democrats, are especially worried about Biden’s age and consistently see it as a bigger issue than Trump’s age. Recent polls in crucial battleground states are painting a bleak picture, with Biden trailing Trump in places like Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, and more. It’s a far cry from his narrow victories in those states back in 2020.

Despite Biden’s cheerleaders insisting that “polls don’t vote,” it’s pretty clear that there’s a lot of unease within the White House and Biden’s re-election crew as the clock ticks down to Election Day. Looks like Team Biden has got some serious work to do if they’re hoping to turn this ship around.

Written by Staff Reports

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