
Biden’s Approval Tanks: Hits All-Time Low in Latest Poll Shock!

NBC News poll shows President Biden’s approval ratings sink to new low

A recent NBC News poll reveals shocking news about President Joe Biden’s approval rating. The National Political Correspondent, Steve Kornacki, broke it down (like a fraction, get it?!) on “Meet the Press” and boy, was it a doozy. According to the poll, only 40% of voters approve of the job President Biden is doing, with a whopping 57% disapproving. That’s like getting a report card with more F’s than a math test you didn’t study for!

Kornacki pointed out that this 40% approval rating is the lowest Biden has ever seen in this poll. It’s like trying to win at the limbo but going lower than anyone thought possible, and not in a fun way. He mentioned that at the beginning of the year, Democrats were all high-fives and fist bumps, but now it’s like they lost their favorite toy. Biden has gone from being almost even in approval to being 17 points underwater. If he were a boat, he’d be Titanic level underwater!

The poll also revealed that independent voters are giving Biden the cold shoulder, with more than double the number of independents disapproving of him compared to those who approve. And it’s not just independents – only 7% of Republicans approve of Biden’s job performance, while a hefty 21% of Democrats aren’t giving him a gold star. For an incumbent president, that’s like not being invited to your own birthday party!

But wait, there’s more! When it comes to foreign policy, only 33% of voters are giving Biden a thumbs up. In September, it was 41%, but now it’s like he’s trying to do a skateboard trick and falling flat on his face!

The poll also showed that Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict is leaving a bad taste in voters’ mouths. Among the older generation, there’s a majority approving of his handling, but among the younger crowd, it’s like he’s trying to communicate in a language they don’t understand.

And let’s not forget about the potential rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump in 2024. According to the poll, Trump is leading the pack of potential Republican candidates, with Nikki Haley gaining some momentum. In a head-to-head matchup, Trump is edging out Biden by 2 percentage points. It’s like the heavyweight championship of political polls!

And if that wasn’t enough, Biden’s once favorable likability advantage is slipping away faster than a kid on a water slide. It’s like the popular kid in school suddenly losing their cool points.

The poll also showed a massive shift in support among younger voters, who were once Biden’s team cheerleaders but are now looking at him like he’s an uncool chaperone at a party.

This has led to a dramatic shift in the potential election outcomes, with Biden falling behind an unnamed Republican candidate by double digits. It’s like watching a track star go from first place to last in the final stretch.

All in all, the poll paints a picture of a president whose approval ratings are taking a nosedive faster than a rollercoaster. It’s like trying to swim with cement shoes on – not exactly a recipe for success!

Written by Staff Reports

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