
Biden’s AWOL Week Highlights Concerns About Presidential Fitness and Leadership

Joe Biden has been quite the elusive figure lately, demonstrating an uncanny knack for avoiding the public eye. The last week’s activities included a rather forgettable meeting with Americans involved in a prisoner exchange and a phone call to the King of Jordan, leaving many to wonder who is actually steering the ship of state. A casual observer might find it hard to believe that the nation’s commander-in-chief has the time to vacate to his beach property while the world teeters on the brink of various crises. Some might even call it a classic example of the “slow coup,” orchestrated behind the scenes by those pulling the strings.

Finally, Biden reappeared to commemorate the Texas Rangers’ 2023 World Series victory. This event, which could have been a highlight on any sportsman’s calendar, instead showcased Biden’s continuing struggle for coherence. Fifty weeks later and he hasn’t offered much recognition for the team until now. It is perplexing, considering that a ceremonial event shouldn’t require too much heavy lifting. But Biden managed to stumble through it yet again, much to the amusement and concern of onlookers.

During the event, Biden attempted to comment on one of the players’ outfits, which ended in what can only be described as an awkward fumbling over words. While trying to exhibit his approval, he mentioned a “haberdashery,” a term that seems to have fallen out of everyday use since the 1950s. It was a painful moment that revealed just how out of touch and confused he is, seemingly unable to keep up with modern vernacular or the occasion he was meant to honor.

His attempt at humor about needing additional fingers for championship rings didn’t land either. The blank stares from the players were revealing, reflecting not just confusion but possibly sympathy for a man struggling to connect with reality. The body language in the room told a story of its own, as if the Texas Rangers were collectively questioning who really thought this man should be leading the nation—a nation that requires strength and clarity, not waffle and uncertainty.

To cap off the event, Biden seemed completely lost, asking what he was supposed to do next. His failure to recognize the cue to exit further illustrated a man whose grasp on the proceedings had completely slipped. Instead of a graceful departure, he made a beeline for a child, perhaps seeking solace in a familiar innocence that stands in stark contrast to the chaotic political landscape he seems unable to navigate. 


It’s difficult for some to believe that this is the same individual that the Democratic establishment rallied around just a few months ago, proclaiming his readiness for another term. What’s even more astonishing is the audacity of some, like Nancy Pelosi, calling for him to be immortalized on Mount Rushmore while he struggles to articulate a coherent thought. This spectacle only intensifies the suspicion that there are those looking to keep Biden hidden and contained until he can be safely ushered away from the political limelight—an admission that they know full well he is not fit for office. It is incredibly revealing that the party seems more interested in maintaining a façade than actual governance.

Written by Staff Reports

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