
Biden’s Bias Exposed: German Homeschoolers on Fast Track to Deportation!

The Biden administration’s ongoing double standard is once again on full display, this time in the case of a German homeschooling family facing deportation. While illegal immigrants continue to flood the southern border, with the administration making no effort to vet their intentions or identities, this Christian German family, who have followed all legal procedures and broken no laws, are being threatened with deportation.

The Romeike family, consisting of Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children, sought asylum in the U.S. back in 2008 after they defied the German government’s order to stop homeschooling their children. The German government had outlawed homeschooling in 2018 and even went so far as to separate the Romeike children from their parents and place them in public school. Despite not being American citizens, the Romeikes have been living in Tennessee for 15 years and have been contributing members of their community. They have been allowed to remain in the U.S. under “indefinite deferred action status” since 2014.

However, the Biden administration has suddenly deemed the Romeike family a problem and has notified them that they need to apply for German passports and prepare for deportation. The exact reasons for their deportation remain unknown, but it is clear that this is yet another example of the Biden administration’s inconsistent treatment of immigrants. While granting temporary protected status to thousands of Venezuelans who entered the country illegally, the administration is targeting a law-abiding family who sought asylum for legitimate reasons.

The hypocrisy of the Biden administration is glaring, especially when comparing the Romeikes’ case to the chaos at the southern border. The number of illegal immigrants crossing the border continues to rise, with 2.2 million entering the country in fiscal year 2023 alone. Yet, the administration shows no concern for the potential dangers or intentions of these individuals. Meanwhile, a family who truly deserves asylum based on religious persecution is being targeted for deportation.

It is worth noting that the Romeike family has since had two more children who are American citizens, and some of their adult children are married to American citizens. This raises the question of tearing families apart, which is often condemned by Democrats. Yet, the Biden administration seems to have no problem with potentially separating this family.

The silence from the White House and the lack of explanation from the Biden administration only further highlights their double standard. The Romeikes followed the proper legal channels and even received support from an online petition with over 127,000 signatures. Yet, they are facing deportation while illegal immigrants are given leniency.

This case is a prime example of the two faces of the Biden administration, as voiced by Hannelore Romeike. It’s clear that the administration’s actions do not align with the values they claim to uphold. The Romeike family deserves a fair chance to remain in the country they have called home for 15 years, especially considering the ongoing persecution they would face if deported back to Germany.

Written by Staff Reports

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