
Biden’s “Big Guy” Role Exposed: Family Corruption Unravels

In the latest twist of the Biden family saga, the White House continues to deny President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s questionable business dealings. However, the mounting evidence against him is becoming hard to ignore. A report from the Washington Journal reveals that Biden’s younger brother, Frank Biden, frequently interrupted business meetings to take calls from the elusive “big guy,” believed to be none other than Joe himself.

Now, one might think, “Why is it a big deal that the vice president would call his brother during a meeting?” Well, according to Matthew Brady, a former executive, Frank Biden would dramatically announce his need to answer the call, saying, “I’ve got to put you on hold; the big guy is calling me.” As if his brother’s status as the vice president made him some sort of celebrity! Imagine that!

To add more fuel to the fire, two of Hunter Biden’s former associates have testified that their corrupt family business revolved around the mysterious “big guy,” who was the ultimate beneficiary of their shady dealings. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, an FD-1023 file, compiled by an FBI insider, further verified that Joe Biden was indeed the infamous “big guy.” Can you believe it? Our very own president involved in such scandalous activities!

But it doesn’t stop there. A resurfaced video from 2019 exposes wire transfers showcasing how Hunter Biden pocketed a whopping $260,000 from his ties to BHR Partners associates. And yet, he has the audacity to deny receiving “one cent” from the deal. Really, Hunter? We have evidence right in front of us! The level of deceit is appalling.

Let’s not forget about the collapsed sweetheart plea deal that detailed how Hunter Biden conveniently spent the summer painting and planning his memoir when Chinese partners were sending money to an account linked to Joe Biden’s address. And guess what? Hunter himself confirmed this in his memoir, Beautiful Things. So much for the president’s statement that his son never made money from China, huh?

The Biden family continues to weave a web of lies that is becoming harder to unravel. One can’t help but wonder how many more secrets they are hiding. These revelations cast doubt on Biden’s integrity and honesty. As conservatives, we must remain vigilant in holding our leaders accountable and demanding the truth. The truth should be the driving force behind our politics, not secrecy and deceit.

Written by Staff Reports

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