
Biden’s Blame Game: Branding Trump “Loser” as Polls Plummet

President Joe Biden has come out of the gate swinging for his upcoming re-election campaign, delivering fiery anti-Trump speeches that have the liberal crowd cheering and the conservative crowd cringing. With the anniversary of the January 6th Capitol riot as his backdrop, Biden repeatedly invoked the name of his likely opponent, Donald Trump, in what can only be described as a desperate attempt to deflect attention from his own floundering presidency.

In a speech to a congregation in Charleston, South Carolina, Biden went so far as to call Trump a “loser,” a low blow that only underscores the President’s insecurity about his own standing with the American people. It’s clear that Biden is resorting to playground insults in a feeble attempt to bolster his own image.

And can you blame him? The latest poll numbers paint a grim picture for the Biden administration. According to a CBS News poll, a mere 41% of Americans approve of his job performance, while a staggering 59% disapprove. Among those without a college degree, his approval rating plummets to 29%, and on the hot-button issue of immigration, it’s a paltry 30%. Independent voters are giving him a resounding thumbs down at 33% approval, and the economy, a cornerstone of his campaign promises, is also a sore spot with just 36% approval.

But that’s not all. The Financial Times poll is even more brutal, with only 39% of the country giving Biden a nod of approval. More than half of voters say they’re worse off financially under his leadership. Ouch.

And let’s not forget the border crisis that has been festering under Biden’s watch. Even CBS is reporting that three out of four voters are gravely concerned about the border situation, with a majority labeling it as a full-blown crisis. The public is not buying into the sympathetic narrative being pushed by the left, with two-thirds of respondents asserting that it’s too easy for migrants to enter the country.

In the head-to-head match-up with Trump, recent polling data from battleground states paints a stark picture for Biden. In states like Arizona, Georgia, and Florida, Trump holds a commanding lead. Even traditionally blue states like Pennsylvania and Michigan are showing a tight race, with Trump edging out Biden. It’s not looking good for the incumbent, folks.

With Biden’s approval ratings in the gutter and his head-to-head matchups against Trump looking increasingly unfavorable, it’s no wonder he’s resorting to baseless claims about starting a “civil rights movement.” It’s a laughable attempt to rewrite history and pander to his base, but the American people aren’t buying it. And they certainly aren’t buying what Biden is selling either.

Written by Staff Reports

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