
Biden’s Blame Game: Trump Bad, Ignore My Border Fiasco!

The Biden-Harris campaign is already plotting out their 2024 strategy and surprise, surprise, it’s all about blaming Donald Trump. Their big theme? Trump will supposedly make the border chaos even worse! This script was sent out by the campaign on Thanksgiving, and it’s chock full of wild claims about Trump wanting to round up Latinos, end birthright citizenship, and shoot people at will. Talk about fear-mongering!

But hold the phone, folks, the Biden campaign conveniently forgot to mention one thing – Biden’s own border record. Since 2021, President Biden has been working hand in hand with his corporate buddies to pull in millions of migrants from struggling countries and dump them into the already overflowing U.S. labor and housing markets. And where do these migrants end up? In big Democrat-run cities, causing inflation to skyrocket, wages to drop, and jobs to disappear from heartland states. Thanks a lot, Joe!

And that’s not all. Let’s not forget about the thousands of migrants who tragically lost their lives while trying to take Biden up on his open-borders offer. But hey, who cares about them when there’s a political narrative to push, right?

To top it all off, the Biden campaign released a handy guide for Democratic supporters on how to combat “crazy MAGA nonsense” at Thanksgiving dinner. If a family member mentions that “Trump secured the border,” the prescribed response is a flat-out denial, claiming that all Trump did was separate families and leave behind a “broken immigration system” for Biden to clean up. But what they conveniently fail to mention is that Trump’s measures, including the Title 42 legal barrier and the border wall, significantly reduced the flow of migrants and helped secure jobs for Americans at higher wages.

But don’t just take our word for it – even recent polls show that the public is waking up to the reality that mass migration is more of a burden than a blessing. Just take a look at cold Vermont, where Biden’s migrants aren’t exactly lining up for the $25 per hour jobs at the Burlington Bagel Bakery. The New York Times even reported on how businesses in Vermont are investing in their local employees and creating more wealth for their workers – a stark contrast to the negative impact of mass migration.

So, there you have it, folks. While the Biden-Harris campaign is busy spinning their web of misinformation and pushing their blame game agenda, the real results of open borders and mass migration are becoming more and more apparent to everyday Americans. Let’s hope they don’t forget that come election time in 2024!

Written by Staff Reports

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