
Biden’s Bluff Busted by Iranian Drone Strike on Troops

Hot off the presses, folks! President Biden is catching flak for his laid-back approach to Iranian aggression. Just two weeks ago, Biden confidently declared that he had given Iran a piece of his mind, making it crystal clear that they had better behave themselves. But now, three brave U.S. service members have met their untimely end, and scores more have suffered severe wounds due to an Iranian drone strike at a base in Jordan. So much for Biden’s tough talk, huh?

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby did some verbal gymnastics to defend Biden’s soft response, but it’s a tough sell. When pressed by reporters about the lack of a stronger reaction from the president, Kirby claimed that the administration has taken “significant” and “aggressive” action. Sure, John, tell that to the families of the fallen and the wounded. I’m sure they’ll find your spin comforting.

President Biden, not one to miss a photo op, finally made a statement on Sunday claiming that the killing of American troops was the handiwork of Iran-backed militant groups in Syria and Iraq. He promised that the perpetrators would be held accountable at a time and in a manner of his choosing. That’s confidence-inspiring, isn’t it? But seriously, folks, it sounds like Biden is just kicking the can down the road.

Fox News reporters didn’t let Kirby off the hook, grilling him about Biden’s toothless response to the attack on U.S. troops. They questioned whether the administration is willing to hold Iran accountable or if they find the current level of risk and loss to be an acceptable casualty. It seems like the tough questions are just piling up, and Biden’s team is feeling the pressure. But will they actually step up and defend our troops? Only time will tell, folks. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Biden’s Blunders.”

Written by Staff Reports

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